• Serving Suffolk County Since 1977 Consumer license #109-W
  • Open 7 Day Emergency Service

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can’t find the answer you were looking for? Please don’t hesitate to contact us at (631) 924-4813 and a Shorty’s professional will be happy to assist you.

Q. How do I know when I should call?

Typical signs are gurgling sounds or slow draining of your toilet, sinks, bathtubs and showers and or waste paper or water coming from the vent on the outside of the house. When you are experiencing these issues, it is important to give us a call right away.

Q. How often should I have my cesspool serviced?

A septic tank should be serviced every four to five years. This prevents solid buildup in the septic tank and prevents a backup into your home or yard. Please check with your local municipality, as they may require a specific service schedule.

Q. What do I need to know when I call?

It’s helpful, but not necessary to know the Age of the house, a survey of the property and the last time the septic tank was serviced.

Q. What should I do if I think I have a caved-in Cesspool?

You should call Shorty’s Cesspool Service immediately, stay away from the area in question, and keep all others away from that area until the area has been fully inspected by Shorty’s.

Looking for the best? Call the best (631) 924-4813